UN Women : Nubader

“Nubader” is a campaign initiated as part of the partnership between Scouts and UN Women Tunisia, aiming to raise awareness about gender equality and promote positive masculinity. The closing ceremony took place on June 19, highlighting six selected community initiatives from the El Kef and Kébili regions. The key objectives of the campaign involve gathering the voices and experiences of young scouts to develop responses to women’s challenges, strengthen community capacity to respond to women’s needs and amplify their voices. This partnership has led to the creation of a gender equality badge, a world first in the history of scouting, particularly in the MENA region and in Tunisia. Designed for Scout troops in the country’s 24 regions, the badge helps young people understand gender equality and encourages open communication on the subject. This partnership is in the framework of the joint project “Promoting the leadership of women and girls in the socio-economic and health response to COVID-19 in Tunisia”, developed by UNDP, WHO and UN Women Tunisia, and funded by Denmark.